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DAKO A0425 IgM抗體現(xiàn)貨

dako IgM, Specific for Mu-Chains (Multipurpose)現(xiàn)貨


IgM isolated from human serum of a patient with Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia.


The antibody reacts with the mu-chains of human IgM. Traces of contaminating antibodies have been removed by solid-phase absorption with human plasma proteins.

In crossed immunoelectrophoresis, using 12.5 µL antibody per cm2 gel area against 2 µL human plasma, only one precipitate corresponding to IgM appears. Staining: Coomassie Brilliant Blue. 

In indirect ELISA no significant reaction is observed when using human IgG and IgA as coating antigens. In double antibody sandwich ELISA no significant reaction is observed with human plasma stripped of IgM.

Cross-reaction with IgM from other species may occur. As demonstrated by rocket immunoelectrophoresis, the antibody cross-reacts with the IgM-equivalent protein in cat, cow, deer, dog, elephant, hamster, horse, mink, mouse, polecat, raccoon dog, rat, seal, sheep and swine (9).


Purified immunoglobulin fraction of rabbit antiserum provided in liquid form. In 0.1 mol/L NaCl, 15 mmol/L NaN3

Protein concentration g/L: See label on vial. Antibody titre (SRI): 5300 mg/L (8). 

Dako Human Serum Protein Calibrator, Code X0908, was used as reference for the titre determination. The titre variation between different lots of A 0425 is less than 10%. This is achieved by adjusting the titre of each individual lot to match the titre of an antibody reference preparation kept at -80 °C.

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